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2785 view(s)

Man's Guide to Wearing Shorts

Man's Guide to Wearing Shorts

Not sure what style of shorts to buy? Shorts are an absolute essential in summer so we’ve put together a guide to pick the perfect pair.

2272 view(s)

What your undies say about you

What Your Undies Say About You

We spend so much time thinking about the clothes we wear for the world to see, that it seems like undies are a lot of hard work. It’s only you that sees them right?

525 view(s)

The perfect Zoom meeting outfit

The Perfect Zoom Meeting Outfit

These days many of us are working from home due to the pandemic. This means that video conferencing is more popular than ever. But after close to two months of working from home some things about video conferencing are less enjoyable…

501 view(s)

We love to chill in winter

The shortest day of the year is June 21. It’s called winter solstice, or mid-winter. Which pretty much means it’s dark and freezing outside.

1602 view(s)

Why women steal your clothes

Unisex Clothing

Almost every woman does it - stealing their guys clothes. And almost every woman agrees they prefer wearing their guys sloppy joe or flanno to their own. Why?

6100 view(s)

The Flanno or Flannie?

Australia’s most loved shirt, the iconic flannelette shirt. Better known as the flanno, or is it the flannie?

522 view(s)

Aussies love big things

Just look along our major roads - it’s a national fascination on road trips to stop for a selfie at The Big Banana, The Big Golden Guitar or The Big Merino to name a few. In fact it’s un-Australian if you don’t love Australia’s big things!

218 view(s)

What’s the best thing about summer?

Hawaiian Shirts

We love summer in Australia! Everyone does! But what’s the best thing about summer?

170 view(s)

Why Do Men Always Wait Until Christmas Eve To Buy Gifts?

Every year, after going through the torture of last minute Christmas shopping men promise themselves next year to be prepared and do it all well in advance.