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Why Aussies really love Spring Racing

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Why Aussies really love Spring Racing
Spring Racing

But the funny thing is a lot of us that love horse racing don’t go to watch the horses run around. And why is it that the crowds only arrive for Spring Racing, when horse racing goes on all year round? The answer is simple…


Horse racing is something that happens while we enjoy fashions of the field - the people watching, the theatre is why we love horse racing. And even if we don’t know anything about racing we all have a guaranteed formula to picking a winner like the jockey in your favourite colour. Or if that fails we have the mate that has the hot tip (which never wins).

So here’s a much better hot tip for everyone that loves getting dressed up for Spring Racing - Get into Lowes store for a stylish suit package including suit, business shirt, tie and shoes from only $220 bucks! Perfect for Spring racing! Plus there are new season blazers for $99 bucks and stretch slim chinos for only $19.95.

So if your mate’s hot tip doesn’t work (it won’t) don’t worry, you’re on a winner with the new season spring arrivals … At Lowes!

Spring Racing
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